College and Marriage, Does That Work?: Lauren Lebien


Lauren Lebien, a down-to-earth coffee lover from small town Roy, Washington talks about her experience as a married college student. She has lived in a number of places growing up; she moved between different cities in Washington, Canada, and Oregon but considers herself to be from a small town called Roy in Washington.

Lauren had her mind set on attending the University of Oregon when she was still a high school student. So much so that the University of Oregon was the only university she applied to! Lauren was also sure about her interests. Her experience writing year books in high school solidified her knowledge that she loved to write about real things and real people, so it was only fit for her to choose to major in journalism. Lauren is also minoring in English to support her journalism degree.
In December of 2012 Lauren went through he biggest change in her life when her boyfriend, Ryan, proposed and she said yes! Lauren and Ryan grew up as backyard neighbors; they were friends for year until they started dating in her senior year of high school (he was in his second year of community college). After Lauren graduated from high school Ryan transferred, and they both attended the UO together. Ryan graduated in the summer of 2013, and they got married in August after a 7-month engagement. Lauren explains that early marriage is regular their small town, but in Eugene, people are caught off guard and think it’s strange when she says “my husband” because they think she is too young. She says that they were simply ready, and they knew that they wanted to marry each other, she expresses that they did not see any sense in waiting to reach an age that society deemed “normal” for marriage. She expresses her happiness and comfort in her marriage. This period of her life is a huge transition period, there are many changes and many things that are left unknown as she is graduating this term, and her husband is considering medical schools and job offers. However, the complications and commitments of being married do not scare Lauren, she is comforted knowing that she is not alone, and that whatever happens, they will be together. “You have to care about the other person’s dreams more than your own, and they have to do the same to have a healthy marriage”

Lauren explains her college experience by saying that it is different than the common college experience, but that it was definitely full, enriching, and enjoyable. Throughout her time at UO she was involved in CRU, and organization of faith community, they had women’s groups, bible studies, and deep enriching talks about life. She also worked in the UO campus coffee shops where she was able to make true friendships and get close to interesting people she would not have met otherwise.
Lauren does not know exactly what is coming next, but she is excited, hopeful, and ready. She feels lucky and grateful for the experience she had as a college student, but she is ready for the next chapter in her life.

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